The Accuriss 42, as the name implies, is 42mm square. The product is available in four stack lengths, with holding torques ranging from 45 to 106 oz. in. The Accuriss 42 mounting is the standard NEMA 17 mount. The Accuriss product line can be device addressed with up to 16 devices operating off of a single RS485 interface. The part number calls out the factory preset device address, which is easily changed in the field.
The device drivers for your USB, the Accuriss programming enviornment, the Accuriss 42 User's Manual, along with all CAD files are readily available at no charge on this web site. To provide immediate implementation of the Accuriss 42, USAutomation offers a start up kit which contains, a USB to RS485 converter, a breakout board including I/O devices, a connector for the Accuriss, and a CD with everything you need to get started.
Product Drawings
Model Number |
Length (in) |
USA42-2106 |
2.46 |
USA42-2206 |
2.70 |
USA42-2306 |
3.01 |
USA42-2406 |
3.48 |
Model Number |
Holding Torque (oz in) |
Maximum Current (A) |
Maximum Voltage (V) |
Rotor Inertia (oz in sec2) |
Shaft Diameter (in) |
IO Configuration |
Weight (oz) |
Length (in) |
USA42-2106 |
45 |
2.0 |
40.0 |
.00050 |
0.197 |
4/2 |
.62 |
2.46 |
USA42-2206 |
68 |
2.0 |
40.0 |
.00076 |
0.197 |
4/2 |
.76 |
2.70 |
USA42-2306 |
85 |
2.0 |
40.0 |
.00109 |
0.197 |
4/2 |
.91 |
3.01 |
USA42-2406 |
106 |
2.0 |
40.0 |
.00161 |
0.197 |
4/2 |
1.1 |
3.48 |
Speed / Torque
Please consult factory for Speed / Torque information.
Pin # |
Pin Function |
Wire Color |
01 |
Power Ground |
Black |
02 |
Output 1 |
White/Brown |
03 |
Step Input |
White/Yellow |
04 |
Opto Isolated STEP and DIR +5 Power Input |
White/Red |
05 |
Input 2 |
Violet |
06 |
Internal Power for Opto |
Orange |
07 |
Input 3 |
Gray |
08 |
RS485 A |
Yellow |
09 |
+12 to +40 VDC |
Red |
10 |
Output 2 |
White/Black |
10 |
Direction Input |
White/Orange |
11 |
Signal Ground |
Blue |
13 |
Input 1 |
Brown |
14 |
Input 4 |
Green |
15 |
RS485 B |
White |
16 |
N/C |